Here’s a brief introduction and overview of “The Receptive Life”.
“We are beggars; this is true!” (final written words of Martin Luther)
Martin Luther described the life of the Christian as “receptive”. The Latin phrase he used was “vita passiva” – the life that “accepts” or “receives” all of the good gifts of the Triune God. Like beggars, we have nothing but, in and through faith, we open our hands and receive all good and gracious gifts from the pierced hands of Jesus. When it comes to the forgiveness of sins, a clear conscience and reconciliation with God, we offer nothing.
No works.
No merits.
Rather, through the gift of faith, we cling solely to the person and work of Jesus.
The Receptive Life online course was created to help you learn how the Triune God gives (and how we receive) all of the gifts that only Jesus can give.