ekklesia – a Greek word that means “gathering” or “assembly” which was used to describe the New Testament Church

The ekklesia membership site resources, encourages and supports Christian communities (“ekklesias”) that gather to study the Scriptures and administer the Sacraments so that they might receive all of the gifts that come from the person and work of Jesus.

We proclaim the person and work of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and, like Martin Luther, endeavor to “teach the devil to death”.

There are four stages in the ekklesia journey:

  • 5 in 15: honest questions met with Scriptural answers
  • eXPlain it: Christ centered content that “eXPlains” the Scriptures
  • The Receptive Life: the daily exercise of the Christian faith that receives and responds to the gifts of Jesus
  • We BTC: a clear, bold and confident confession of the Christian faith

These four stages, centered in and around the ekklesias, have been created so that through the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit would transform our minds, encourage our hearts, embolden the confession of our mouths, and strengthen our hands for Christian witness and service.

You can begin the ekklesia membership journey here.