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Friends and Daggers (Test Group)

I was thinking about some way that I could offer a Christ centered, consistent, and convenient digital deliverable (daily email) that would help you hear the Word of God and use it to comfort your souls and fight the devil.

The daily vlog would be called “Friends and Daggers” (an email subscription). After subscribing to the list you would receive short, daily videos (3-5 minutes) delivered directly to your inbox every Monday through Friday (maybe Saturday).

In each video I’ll …

  • introduce you to “friends”, small portions of the Scriptures that comfort, console and never fail or forsake
  • give you a “dagger” (the sword of the Spirit) that will help you fight against the Devil, the world and the sinful flesh 
  • remind you that the person and work of Jesus, His Word, and all of His promises remain the same yesterday, today and forever

On Sundays you would receive a longer video highlighting the Scripture readings for the Lord’s Day. The Sunday post will also have an Old and New Testament reading schedule for each day of the Church Year.

An archive of these videos would be hosted on the “eXPlain it” portal.

I can create some test videos, post them, get your feedback and then adjust along the way. Also, I’m trying out a new email service provider. If there are any “glitches” in email delivery or content, please let me know. If you have any thoughts, comments or suggestions, send me an email at

 If you’d like to be part of a beta test group, you can sign up by filling out the form below.

The Lord bless and keep us and give to us His peace. The world changes and is uncertain but the Word of the Lord remains forever,
