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The Receptive Life
Station 13: Christian Vocation
Station 12: The Sacrament of the Altar
Station 11: The Office of the Keys
Station 10: Re-Membering Your Baptism
Station 10: The Sacrament of Baptism
Station 10: What are the Sacraments?
Station 10: Salvation Acquired. Salvation Applied.
Station 10: One God, Three Persons, One Salvation Plan
Station 10: The Forgiveness of Sins
Station 9: The Lord’s Prayer – Temptation and the Evil One
Station 9: The Lord’s Prayer – Forgive Us
Station 9: The Lord’s Prayer – Daily Bread
Station 9: The Lord’s Prayer – Thy Will Be Done
Station 9: The Lord’s Prayer – Thy Kingdom Come
Station 9: The Lord’s Prayer – Hallowed Be Thy Name
Station 9: The Lord’s Prayer – Our Father and Amen
Station 9: The Lord’s Prayer – Introduction
Station 8: The Apostle’s Creed – 3rd Article: God the Holy Spirit
Station 8: The Apostle’s Creed – 2nd Article: God the Son
Station 8: The Apostle’s Creed – 1st Article: God the Father
Station 8: The Apostle’s Creed – Idol Hunting
Station 8: The Apostle’s Creed – Everyone Has a God
Station 7: The 9th, 10th and Close of the Commandments
Station 7: The 7th Commandment
Station 7: The 6th Commandment
Station 7: The 5th Commandment
Station 7: The 4th Commandment
Station 7: The 3rd Commandment
Station 7: The 2nd Commandment
Station 7: The 1st Commandment (part 2)
Station 7: The 1st Commandment (part 1)
Station 7: The Ten Commandments (introduction)
The Weekly Practice (overview)
Station 6: The Doxology and Blessing
Station 5: The Commendation and the Lord’s Prayer
Station 5: The Commendation and Vocation
Station 5: The Commendation and the Apostle’s Creed
Station 5: The Morning and Evening Commendation
Station 4: The Word of God … Five Uses of the Scripture
Station 4: The Word of God … Psalm 119 and Tentatio (the troubles of life)
Station 4: The Word of God … Psalm 119 and Meditatio (meditation on the Scriptures)
Station 4: The Word of God … Psalm 119 and Oratio (prayer)
Station 4: The Word of God … Psalm 119 and Oratio, Meditatio and Tentatio
Station 4: The Word of God … Hear, Read, Study, Memorize and Meditate
Station 3: Confession … A Way of Life
Station 3: Confession … To Whom Shall We Go?
Station 3: Confession … The Ten Commandments
Station 3: Confession … Spiritual Diagnosis
Station 3: Confession … repent, receive, rejoice (repeat)
Station 2: The Morning Prayer – Ask and Wait in Expectation
Station 2: The Evening Prayer – Rest in Peace
Station 2: The Evening and Morning Prayer – A Sacred Gratitude
Station 2: The Evening and Morning Prayer – A Sacred Rhythm
Station 2: The Evening and Morning Prayer
Station 1: The Cross as the Christian’s Way of Life
Station 1: The Cross as Sign of Victory
Station 1: The Cross as Sacrifice for Sin
Station 1: Making Use of the Cross and the Name of the Triune God
Station 1: The Sign of the Cross and the Trinitarian Invocation
The Receptive Life – One Page Summary
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