Welcome to the Book of Revelation email video series.

It’s going to be a great Summer study and I’m excited to see what the Real Teacher, the Holy Spirit, is going to teach us through this last book of the Bible.

If you haven’t yet signed up to receive the email series sent directly to your inbox, you can do so here.

Beware. Be Ready. Be Blessed.

During the last couple of months, I’ve had a wide range of thoughts and emotions about these apocalyptic (“unveiling” or “revealing”) visions given to the persecuted Church, through the Apostle John, on the island of Patmos, around 95 AD.

Thoughts like …

… these visions are confusing … how does this all fit together … what in the world do the numbers and symbols mean … what’s the time line for all of these “end time” signs … who or what is the beast out of the sea and beast out of the land … how am I supposed to teach this to others?

This letter also warns that the anti-trinity and the anti-Christ will rage against the Church that faithfully proclaims the person and work of Jesus.

And the reality is that …

… it’s going to get harder not easier to be a Christian … we will be asked to bear the cross of Jesus … hardships, persecutions and martyrdom will come to the Church … and, to be honest, I don’t know if I am prepared for such sufferings.

The good news is that along the way, a couple of words and phrases began to cycle their way through my study. They acknowledge the sober reality of life during these end times, but they also remind us of the sacred hope that is ours in Jesus.

Come what may, we do belong to Him!

Here they are … I’ll use them to frame the content of the Book of Revelation.

  • beware and be aware of the spirit and signs of the times
  • be ready for the Last Day and the reappearance of Jesus
  • be blessed and don’t be afraid because we belong to Jesus

An Assignment, Your Personal Assessment and a Way to Submit Questions

Before we begin our study of the Book of Revelation, I’d like to provide you with an assignment and a personal assessment.

While you’re waiting for series to begin, you can do the following:

  • start reading the Book of Revelation
  • try not to get frustrated or waylaid with the details
  • take note of your initial impressions (confused, scared, unbelievable etc)
  • as you read, mark confusing sections
  • make a list of questions
  • submit your questions to me in the button below
  • your questions will help me create the content


The Plan and Schedule

We’ll begin our Summer with a series of videos that will introduce us to the “Revelation Universe”.

Official start date will be Monday, May 30th.

  • videos will be delivered on M, W, F throughout the Summer
  • the three day delivery schedule will allow time for study
  • our goal will be to provide clarity and prevent “overwhelm”
  • I’ll provide summary guides along the way
  • you are welcome and encouraged to submit questions (here)
  • if needed, I can provide virtual sessions for Q and A
  • and/or an in-person gatherings

We have been purchased and redeemed by the death and resurrection of the Promised Messiah. The Lamb that was slain now sits on the throne. He rules and reigns, and we proclaim His Gospel until the Day He reappears to judge the world and make all things new.

Come what may, we do belong to Jesus,


Other Resources

Here’s a list of links to help you navigate through past videos or other digital resources: