Welcome to “Praying the Psalms with Jesus” Summer series. There is no video for today BUT I do have a weekend excursion for you.

This past week we talked about the three stages of life … the “blessed life”, the PIT and God’s rescue. We also noted that in all of the stages and emotions of life God provides us with words. We can acknowledge the emotion and affirm the promises of God by saying …

“There’s a Psalm for that.”

You can access PDF’s of those concepts here …


This weekend, read and listen to the Psalms that speak of the following …

Individual Laments: 

Psalms 3-5, 9-10, 13-14, 22
Psalms 25, 39, 41, 42-43, 54-57
Psalms 69-71, 77, 86, 88, 140-142

Communal Laments:

Psalms 12, 44, 58, 60
Psalms 74, 79, 80, 83, 85

Commending or Be Still:

Psalms 4, 5, 46, 62

Here are some reading plan options …


We’re traveling at the “pace of poetry” and learning to pray the Psalms with Jesus. Here’s a summary of where we have traveled in the past weeks. The OnePagers below contains all of the videos and audio files. It’s a wonderful way to review the trip so far.


If you get overwhelmed or lost, you can visit the .

The “Praying the Psalms with Jesus” videos and the audio readings of the Psalms are hosted on the front page.


For the past year I have been thinking about creating a “membership site” that could be the new home for our expanding video content. The past month’s technical issues with my domain server (malicious bots) forced me to develop the new site sooner than expected.

Here’s the link to the new membership site.

New Membership Site (here)

If you have some time, could you log into the site, click around and give me some feedback?

  • you should be able to access all of the “Praying the Psalms with Jesus” videos on the front page
  • in order to enter the you’ll be asked to enter an account email and password
  • if you don’t have an account, look for the “create new account” option, enter email and create a user password
  • once inside the membership area, could you click around and let me know if the links work
  • please keep in mind that the site is in development and that some links may lead to “test videos” or “no content pages”
  • feel free to comment on the layout and structure of the site (“easy to navigate”, “clear click progressions”, format etc.)
  • share your opinion about the proposed content of the site (i.e. “the ekklesia membership journey”)
  • if you would like to be an active “tester” for the site structure and content, let me know and we’ll create something good for the Kingdom together

Sign Up for “Praying the Psalms with Jesus”

If you have already signed up for the “Friends and Daggers” videos, you are automatically enrolled in the new series. You don’t have to do anything.

If you haven’t yet signed up, you can do so by filling out the form below.